Kalani, Angie, Kanani, Tyrek and AnaKalia Mago Est. April 1998
Posted by Kalani and Angie at 7:29 PM 2 comments
Posted by Kalani and Angie at 6:02 PM 3 comments
I couldn't sleep last night because of my blog I posted yesterday...Yes I know it is my blog and it is a way to let some steam off by typing your thoughts. But, I am sure my trials aren't as big as what other people are faced with..I guess I should of typed that I am thankful for my trials but, that is so hard..Maybe that is what Heavenly Father wants me to think about. So today...I will think about being greatful for my trials and count my many blessings...
Posted by Kalani and Angie at 7:27 AM 2 comments
I am a Child of God..and He has sent me here..Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear..Lead me Guide me Walk beside me..Help me find the way..Teach me all that I must do to live with him someday.
Posted by Kalani and Angie at 5:44 PM 1 comments
I guess since this is my blog I can type whatever I want..If you don't want to read it you don't have to. So..I was sitting in church today just feeling sorry for myself..I have lived in our ward for 3 1/2 months..I haven't missed a Sunday..Which I am doing good considering I am doing it by myself with 3 kids..But, what I am feeling sorry for..Is since I have been here I haven't had been assigned home teacher or visiting teachers. When talking to someone they said they probably won't assign you a home teacher until your husband gets there in March..Boy was I shocked..and then another person said well, it might be because you are in an apartment and they never know how long you plan on staying since there is someone always moving in and moving out..Well, our plan is to move in a house but, stay in Rigby but, we can't do that until our house in Nampa sells. Well, I will get over feeling sorry for myself and keep on trucking along...
Posted by Kalani and Angie at 5:33 PM 1 comments